Friday, June 13, 2008

prologue - very short - the how and why...

I'm Nimrod Cohen, and this blog will entail how i started developing flash components.

Everything in computer science is about divide and conquer. It is the sanest way to overcome those fears of new starts, and the real way to solve a problem and stay alive.
The strategy is simple: developing a new NASA rocket is...well, is rocket science. finding the first screw driver for that rocket, then worry about the next task - that is easy.
And so it will be with my will to learn flash.

One thing about me, I'm just an open source freak. the freakiest part is that i work with Windows OS. I have ubuntu (Hardy) installed on my old laptop, but i can't kick that habit, instead, i find open sources that work on windows.

lately my brother in law (Yossi Taguri), pointed out FlashDevelop, and i immediately got the tickle, had to give it a go!

brb with the details of the first run...

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