Saturday, July 19, 2008

my indefinitive rules of thumb for starting an application

1. mxml file should not be named similar to the codebehind file, even if the reside on different directories, as the compiler finds it confusing.
Remember, defining a mxml is actually a real class.
2. In the root node, define a xmlns:myNamespace="code.behind.package.path.*" (put the path to the code behind, but not the class name, and add a * suffix.
3. the root node should be <myNamespace:myCodeBehindClassName...
Code behind:
1. root path starts at the src folder, if you create a .as class file, it should not bare any package name, i.e it should start with package {. otherwise it should show the folder path:
package code.behind.package.path {.
2. filename should be exactly like the class name it bares.

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